1- Situation:

The commissioning teams have engaged us to support  the collaborative dynamics of their new team, focusing on increasing their capacity in

  1. Enhancing Communication: ensuring that everyone communicates more effectively and understands each other better, leading to more meaningful and productive interactions.
  2. Boosting Understanding and Collaboration: team members gain valuable insights into each other’s roles and departmental functions. 
  3. Improving Feedback Practices: promotes a positive feedback culture, encouraging open dialogue and continuous growth.

2- Process

Team-Building Retreat Process

The retreat begins with a focus on enhancing listening skills. Participants engage in exercises to practice different  levels of listening, which improves how team members hear and understand one another, fostering more effective communication.

Next, teams work collaboratively in pairs to create a 3D model of their department. This hands-on activity helps participants gain insights into departmental functions and team dynamics, promoting a deeper understanding of how different roles and functions interrelate.

The final phase centers on mastering constructive feedback. Participants learn and apply the principles of Nonviolent Communication (CNV) to both give and receive feedback. This process aims to break the cycle of judgment and cultivate a culture of support and continuous improvement.

Each phase of the retreat builds on the previous one, ensuring a holistic approach to improving communication, collaboration, and feedback within the team.

3- Results

Based on  the participants feedback, the main learnings obtained from the program include:

  1. Enhanced Team Collaboration:
    Participants gained a better understanding of different roles and departmental functions, which will foster stronger collaboration, reduce misunderstandings, and improve overall team synergy.
  2. Greater Self-Awareness and Leadership Skills:
    Participants developed heightened self-awareness regarding their communication and leadership styles, leading to more effective leadership and proactive behavior in their roles.
  3. Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities:
    The hands-on, practical approach to modeling and feedback improved participants’ ability to tackle challenges creatively and collaboratively, applying learned skills to real-world scenarios.